
closeup photography of green palm leaves
closeup photography of green palm leaves
white airplane flying in the sky during daytime
white airplane flying in the sky during daytime


Travel with complete peace of mind

Immerse yourself in the ultimate travel experience with Class Concierge. From booking private flights to luxury accommodation, we plan every detail to create unforgettable journeys. Our travel experts ensure that every aspect of your itinerary, from transfers to exclusive activities, is perfectly orchestrated. Travel worry-free, by letting Class Concierge turn your travel dreams into reality.

man sitting on gang chair with feet on luggage looking at airplane
man sitting on gang chair with feet on luggage looking at airplane

For all your everyday needs

Free yourself from everyday stress with the assistance of Class Concierge. From restaurant reservations to childcare, we simplify every aspect of your daily life. Organise your schedule, plan personal events, and delegate tedious tasks to regain precious balance in your life.

woman holding hair dryer
woman holding hair dryer
woman in black long sleeve shirt holding red and white flower bouquet
woman in black long sleeve shirt holding red and white flower bouquet
people sitting on chair in restaurant
people sitting on chair in restaurant


Your well-being is our priority

Make your well-being a priority with Class Concierge services. From coordinating healthcare to booking wellness sessions, we put your health and happiness first. Discover a holistic approach to well-being, where our dedicated team ensures you feel supported in every aspect of your life.

woman in black tube top sitting on chair
woman in black tube top sitting on chair

Shows to suit all tastes

Experience magical moments with our show reservation services. From front row seats to the most exclusive events, we ensure privileged access to the best entertainment. In addition, the company's team has been working to ensure that the company is able to take advantage of the spectacular experience that the company has been waiting for.

silhouette of three performers on stage
silhouette of three performers on stage
people gathering on concert field
people gathering on concert field
person watching movie
person watching movie




Class Concierge's assistance goes beyond the ordinary. Whether you need help with paperwork, legal advice or professional referrals, our team is there for you. Trust our expertise and commitment to solving every challenge, providing you with reliable, personalised assistance every step of the way.

Contactez nous

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre façon de travailler, si vous avez une proposition commerciale ou si vous êtes intéressé par un achat, nous serions ravis de vous entendre.